Friday 24 May 2013

Apple, Carrot and Coconut Muffins

I always think that it is much easier to make muffins than making cakes although their texture is different.
It is my first time to make this apple, carrot and coconut muffins. The recipe is adapted from the book " Muffin Galore" ( Catherine Atkinson ). 
The combination of these ingredients makes very moist muffins. The actual recipe makes 12 muffins but I only make half of these.

( All dry ingredients - mixed well)

Apple, Carrot and Coconut Muffins :
Dry ingredients:
75 g plain wholemeal flour
75 g white flour
50 g brown sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp cinnamon powder
100 g carrot ,finely grated
100 g dried apple, chopped (  I used fresh apple)
30 g raisin, chopped
25 g walnut , chopped
50 g flake coconut

Wet ingredients: ( I have made some changes here as I didn't have buttermilk )
The actual recipe needs 63 ml buttermilk , 63 ml milk  1 egg and 1 tsp vanilla extract)

I substitued the above ingredients as below :
50 g melted butter
70 ml milk
1 slightly beaten egg
1 tsp vanilla extra

1. Preheat oven to 180 C/ 350 C  Gas mark 4. ( I used 190 C as I thought that this muffin is quite moist and it needs higher temperature ) . Grease a 6-cup muffin tin with paper muffin case.
2. Mix dry ingredients + wet ingredients , mix briefly until just combine.
3. Baking time : 25- 30 mins .

Voila ! My tea time : A cup of tea and an apple, carrot and coconut muffin, yummy !

Thursday 2 May 2013

Coconut Tarts

Those coconut tarts selling in the bakery shop are too sweet for me .
So , I have decided to make them myself according to the sweetness that suit me well.

These bloggers made beautiful coconut tarts :
1. My Kitchen Snippets (English )
2. Citarasawan ( Malay )
3. Eupho Cafe 爱在厨房( Chinese )
4. The Best Food - vegetarian 甜嫩的椰子塔  ( Chinese )
5. Eileen 之记事本 ( Chinese)
6. 小小米桶 - 香酥椰子塔 ( Chinese )
7. Food Cooking and Capturing - Vietnamese Coconut Tarts ( English )

IMG_1030 Coconut tart, 椰塔

My version of coconut tarts were referred to My Kitchen Snippets 's pastry and filling quantity . But I changed the making method to creaming method for the filling and modify some of the quantity of ingredients as well.

Coconut Tarts: ( I used patty pan baking tray instead of single tart moulds, makes about 16 psc ) 
Ingredient of pastry :
300 g flour
160 g butter
70 ml iced cold water
20 g castor sugar
1/4 tsp of salt

To make the pastry:
1. Cut cold butter + flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
2. + sugar + salt + iced cold water. 
3. Make them a dough and refrigerate for 20 mins . 
4. Press dough into the tart mould with equal part of dough and fill with coconut tart filling.
5. Bake in the oven.

Ingredients of Filling :
200 g grated coconut ( need only the white one).
70 g butter
80 g castor sugar
2 eggs ( 70 g each )
70 g flour  
10 ml water

Method :
1. Beat butter + castor sugar until creamy and fluffy ( electric mixer)
2. + eggs, mixed well ( electric mixer)
3. + flour stir well (with spatula).
4. + grated coconut ( with spatula ).
5. + water.

Baking time : 30 mins ( upper and lower heat ,  middle rack ).
                      Extra 10 mins if neccessary ( only lower heat to make the base of the coconut tart crispy).