Monday 23 September 2013

Chocolate Chip Banana Coffee Cake

IMG_2075 Breakfast : Banana chocolate chip coffee cake

First time for me to buy chocolate chips (bought only 200 g,  from Tesco ) and  it was stored in the fridge for a while.
It is easy to get banana at the local market here. It is surprised that I love it very much !
Take this coffee cake for breakfast or tea time with a cup of coffee would be perfect enough for the day.

IMG_2067 Banana for making banana chocolate chip coffee cake
IMG_2069 Banana chocolate chip coffee cake

 Banna Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake :( 1 loaf )
160 g butter
70 g  sugar  ( * Low sugar as banana and chocolate chip are sweet enough)

3 eggs ( 70 g each)

200 g flour  + 1 tsp baking powder + 1/8 bicarbonate of soda --- sieve all.
150 g mashed banana
100 g chocolate chip

2 tbsp milk
1/8 salt

Method :
1. Cream butter and sugar until fluffy and pale.
2. + eggs one at a time + salt +  200 g flour , stir well + mashed banana + chocolate chip.
3.  2 tbsp milk .

Oven Temperature : 180 C
Baking time : 40 mins ( + / -  depending on your oven)

IMG_2073 Circle