Thursday 28 May 2015

Mango Jam ( Breadmaker ) and Condensed Milk Bread with Tangzhong

027 汤种面包 和芒果果酱 - tangzhong bread and mango jam028 Homemade mango jam - 芒果果酱

Mango Jam ( Tesco Breadmaker ):

800 g ripe rainbow mango ( Thailand), cut into pieces
60 -80  g castor sugar
30 ml lemon 
a pinch of salt 

1. Cut mango into piece , about 1 cm cube.
2. Place all the ingredients into the bread pan.
3. Press No. 9 function ( Jam ).
4. Let the machine finishes its whole cycle. 

 -    0    - 

022   condensed milk bread + 80 g tangzhong-  炼奶土司 + 80g 汤种

The original recipe is from Buffy's Baking and Booking Life 面包机: 汤种炼奶土司 , some minus changes was made.
The loaves are still very soft until the third day in the food container.

Condensed Milk Bread + 80 g tangzhong : ( 2 loaves)

1. Prepare  tangzhong  ( 50 g bread flour + 250 ml water ) - cook under low heat until it becomes thick paste. Let cool and keep in the fridge for 1 day or 2 days.

80 g tangzhong 
120 ml milk 
15 g castor sugar
40 g condensed milk
3/4 tsp rock salt / salt
40 g condensed milk

250 g bread flour + 20 g extra bread flour ( some on the tables for kneading and shaping before the second proofing) but use the total 270 g bread flour if make the bread in the breadmaker) 

1 tsp yeast 
20 g butter ( Add in after 10 mins   of mixing)

1. Press No 8 ( dough) for mixing all the ingredients ( except butter).
2. Add  butter after 10 minutes later . Stop the machine manually after 20 mins of  mixing.
3. Press No 1 ( Basic) and let the dough do the kneading, resting. Stop the machine ( by switching off the electricity ) after the peeping operation finish ( about 15 mins)  and let the dough proofing in the machine for one hour. ***

I bake it in the oven :
4. Punch down the dough. Divide the dough into two  Shape it round and let rest for 15 mins.
5. Roll  the dough  flat with a rolling pin and roll it into cylinder ( using the rest of the 20 g bread flour in this stage ) and place it in the loaf pans.
6. Let the dough proofs for another 45 mins ( place a cup of boiling hot water in the oven ( not switch on  ) 
7. Preheat oven : 200 C for 10 mins.
8. Brush water on the bread dough before baking.
9. Oven temperature -  190 C ; Baking time : 30 mins. ( place the bread loaves on the lowest rack ). Bake them with lower and upper heat , simultaneously.
10. Cut the bread after half an hour later once the bread taking out of the oven.

** * If you make the bread in the breadmaker :
1. Select the crust colour -  light.
2. Select the loaf size -  1.5lb. 
3. Let the machine complete the whole cycle , stop the machine  at 0:10. ( Otherwise the crust will be too thick. 

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Breakfast : Dark Rye Bread Egg Sandwich

018 P365-3 Egg sandwich - dark rye bread

Breakfast Menu:
1. Dark Rye Bread Egg Sandwich with cheese and cucumber
2. A mug of coffee
3. Banana 

Dark Rye Bread: ( Tesco Breadmaker )

Ingredient :
200 ml water 
3/4 tsp salt ( tsp provided by breadmaker)
2 tbsp brown sugar ( tbsp provided by breadmaker)

50 g dark rye flour
250 g bread flour

3/4 tsp yeast ( tsp provided by breadmaker)

 20 butter

Method : ( Bake in the oven)
1. Press No. 8 for mixing the dough for 20 mins. Press " Stop" to stop the machine.
2. Turn to No. 1 ( basic ) + butter .  Press " Start" . ( If you bake the bread in the breadmaker , let it finish the whole cycle, take out the bread 10 mins( the LCD shown 0:10 in the breadmaker before the cycle finish..

I baked the bread in the oven. So,I did the following steps: 

3. Press " Stop " after the "Beep Beep" cycle finish and switch off the machine. Let the dough proof in the breadmaker for 1 hour.
4.. Punch down the dough and press out the air. Let dough rest for 15 mins.
5. Roll the dough flat with a roller pin. Shape the dough into a cylinder and put it the loaf pan.
6. Proof the dough for 45 mins in the oven with a cup of hot water.
7. Preheat the oven - 230 C for 10 mins.
9. Bake the bread in 200 C - 15 mins ;then 190 C - 15 mins.

***  The dough is quite wet and you need to have sprinkle some bread flour on the table and some more bread flour to pat on the dough before rolling it flat.

70 g apricot / cranberry / raisin can be added if you like it.                                  

Thursday 22 January 2015

Tangzhong Cinnamon Red Flame Raisin Bread - Kneading in Tesco Breadmaker

001 tangzhong cinnamon red flame raisin bread003 汤种肉桂葡萄干面包

Try hard to get softer bread whenever I know how to make bread.
Since using “tangzhong ” in bread will make the bread softer, I tried it and believed in it.

I also mixed the bread with red flame raisin and cinnamon powder instead of eating white bread.
One need to cook the tangzhong 1 or 2 days ahead.
Original recipe is from Carol, Taiwanese. 
I used less tangzhong because it was some leftover of tangzhong after I made a tangzhong wholemeal bread.

The tangzhong I made : ( Mix all ingredients and cook under low heat until you get a very thick mixture)
50 g of bread flour
150 ml water
100 ml milk 

Tangzhong Cinnamon Red Flame Raisin Bread: (Kneading in Tesco Breadmaker )
Ingredient A:
60 g tangzhong
50 ml milk
50 g ( 2 tbsp) sugar
3/4 tsp salt
1 large egg( about 60 g-65 g)
1 tsp cinnamon powder

1 tsp yeast 

Ingredient B:
250 g bread flour( high protein flour)

Ingredient C:
30 g butter

Ingredient D:
40g-50 g red flame raisins ( I chopped the raisin slightly )

Method :
1. Put all Ingredients A first in the bread pan.
2. + cinnamon powder  +  bread flour on top .
3. Mixing all ingredients by pressing No. 8 ( dough).
4. + yeast after 10 mins later. ( or you can put the yeast on top of bread flour in step No. 2)
The machine stops after 20 mins of mixing. Press " stop".
5. Press No. 1 +  butter  and let the machine run until the beep sound is hearing ,+ red flame raisins.
Press "stop" when the breadmaker  finishes the kneading stage. Switch off the electricity and let the dough rising in the breadmaker for 1 hour or 75 mins ( depends on the temperature of the day).
6. Punch down the dough. Take the dough out of the machine and shape it into a ball and let it rest for 15 mins.
7. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin.
8. Shape the dough and seal the seam of the dough. Let the dough have the second proofing for 45 mins.
9. Preheat oven : 230 C for 10 mins.
10 . Oven temperate( upper and lower heat - lowest rack ) : 
       200 C ( for the first 10 mins); 
       190 C ( 20 - 25 mins)

004 tangzhong cinnamon red flame raisin bread 006 tangzhang cinnamon red flame raisin bread