Tuesday 13 December 2011

Lunch at Home

IMG_2129 Simple menu : Lunch

Although I have more time in preparing lunch , I still try to be spending less time in the kitchen , thus the simple menu is created.
For these 3 dishes here , I only cooked green capsicum and made the mango pickle :)

Menu of the Day :

1. Braised pork with fermented beancurd Nam Yu(南乳) and black fungus(黑木耳). I actually bought it from a nearby restaurant.
2. Poach Green capsicum in water - with no oil and salt is added.
3. Mango pickle with lemon juice , salt , sugar , chilli padi and fish sauce.

Mango pickle - (before)which was prepared in 12.30pm.
IMG_2119 Mango pickle

Mango pickle -  after  two and a half hour later ( 3pm)

IMG_2128 Mango pickle with lemon juice

IMG_2126 Green capsicum

IMG_2124 Braised pork with fermented bean curd Nan Yu  and black fungus ,黑木耳南乳焖猪肉