Sunday 4 December 2011

Tea Break - Moist Banana Muffins

IMG_1958 Moist Banana Muffins

Banana is the easiest fruit to get in the tropical country in Malaysia.
The sweetness of a ripe banana and the aroma will make the best banana muffins.
These moist banana muffins bring a relaxing tea break with a cup of black coffee.

IMG_1961 Tea Break : Moist Banana Muffins + Black Coffee

Moist Banana Muffins for a 6-muffin pan :

Dry ingredients A : ( Mix evenly )
230g flour + 1 tsp baking powder +1/8 tsp bicarbonate of soda
200 g mashed banana ( 4 bananas without skin)
20 g castor sugar

Wet ingredients B:  ( Mix well )
1 beaten eggs (70 g each )
100 ml milk or water
30 ml corn oil
A drop of banana essence ( optional)
A pinch of salt (optional)

Method :
1. Preheat the oven . Coat the non stick muffin pan with butter or margarine. 
2. Pour ingredient B into ingredient A.
3. Stir less than 15 strokes until mixture become lumpy.
3. Oven temperature : 190 - 200 C 
4. Time : 40 - 45 mins

IMG_1962 Moist Banana Muffin