Friday 30 December 2011

Two Soups in a Meal


A late dinner at 10pm. 
How did I design this menu ?
Why were there 2 soups in a menu ?
The beef brisket soup was an unexpected dish that was given by my sister.

Two-Soup Dinner Menu :

1. Beef Brisket Soup 牛腩汤 - (from Johor) , was too salty ! 
2. Side dish - salted vegetables and spring onion . 
One doesn't need to eat with those salted vegetable as the beef soup was salty !:)

3. A simple and quick Campbell mushroom soup that I cooked. Chinese cabbage and slices of carrot were added. 

IMG_0491 Beef brisket soup, 牛腩汤

IMG_0493 Campbell mushroom soup + Chinese cabbage and carrot

IMG_0498 salted vegetable 咸菜 , spring onion and chilli sauce.