Sunday 1 January 2012

Have A Toast 1-1-2012 !

IMG_0634 Butter, cheese and black cherry jam: 1-1-2012

Have a toast for the beginning of the year 1-1-2012 !

Those happiness and sadness was over !
The new happiness and sadness will be coming soon.
Be ready for it.
C'est la vie .

Breakfast Menu:

1. Toast with butter , cheese and black cherry jam.
2. A cup of black coffee without sugar.
3. Two apples.
4.  Maidenhair Fern. ( Oh , no ! This is inedible !)

IMG_0635  Breakfast : Have a toast! 1-1-2012

IMG_0641  Breakfast : Have a toast ! 1-1-2012

IMG_0652 Breakfast : Have a toast ! 1-1-2012

IMG_0673 Apples

IMG_0666 Fern 1-1-2012

IMG_0678 Fern 1-1-2012