Wednesday 30 May 2012

Yam Meal

I didn't cook all these food.
So, I would spend less time in the kitchen and still could taste good food !

Dinner Menu :
1. Yam Rice (芋头饭) - with Chinese mushroom, dried shrimp, fried onion and yam - This was given by my sister.
2. Old Cucumber Soup ( 老黄瓜汤)- with pork rib which was  given by neighbour , Yu-J.
3. Dessert    :    Purple Sweet Potato Bubur Cha-cha (紫薯摩摩喳喳糖水)- sago, black eye beans, yam , purple sweet potatoes and coconut milk + sugar.

Friday 25 May 2012

Nasi Lemak

It was my sister who prepared this nasi lemak and its ingredients.
Although I wish to do it one day by myself , I haven't has got the courage to do so.
Those steps of preparing them seems time consuming.
But still keep reading Nasi Lemak Lover's Nasi Lemak cooking method  and wish to learn something from her.

Dinner Menu :
1. Nasi Lemak - sambal ikan bilis ( anchovies, deep fried ikan bilis ,cucumber and pineapple pickles, hard boiled egg, and 2 pieces of papaddam )
2. Japanese Cotton Cheesecake - from my friend

Papaddam was bought from the Indian stall.

Japanese cotton cheesecake

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Cassava Sweet Soup ( Tongshui) and Soup Beehoon

A friend of mine gave me this cassava tongshui ( 木薯糖水, ubi kayu )after my dinner.
I seldom cook cassava by myself because I need to buy one whole big piece of cassava and I think it is quite difficult for me to handle it.

The colour of the dusk outside my house - Ipoh.

My lunch the next day.
1. Soup beehoon with tofu and chives omelette.
2. Still the same cassava tongshui. 

Sunday 20 May 2012

2 Meat And Ratatouille Dish Dinner

I was a guest at my friend's  house.
I still get involved and helped her in cutting and cooking process.
But this meal seems too meaty as I brought fried pork tenderloin with lemongrass there and my friend prepared another minced meat dish.

Dinner Menu for 3:
 1. Ratatouille dish
2. Fried Pork Tenderloin with Lemongrass 
3. Minced Meat with Preserved Veggie (zha choy 榨菜)
4. Pumpkin Soup 
5. Non Alcohol White Grape Drinks

Multigrain rice 

chilli padi 

Thursday 17 May 2012

Indian Vegetarian Curry and Tofu

 Dinner Menu :
1. Indian Vegetarian Curry - was given by my sister but I had added tamarind to enhance the taste.
2. Omelette with onion which from my neighbour and I had added minced meat and tofu.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Low Sugar Pandan Chiffon Cake

How to make a success Pandan Chiffon Cake ? 
I have been asking myself a lot of  questions before making this chiffon cakes.

1. Shall I beat the egg yolks or the egg white first in the chiffon making procedure ?
2. How long should I beat the egg yolks and egg white (separately) ? Later , I found that beating the egg yolks first is easier for me . I am using Philip Mixer , Speed 3.
3. How long should I beat the egg white before add in sugar ?
4. How many pandan leaves shall I cut  ? ( I cut 10 pieces ) . How much water to be added in order to make a concentrate pandan juice  ? ( 150ml water ) I need only 70 ml  concentrate pandan leaves after it subside for the next day .)
5. What is the right temperature for this pandan  chiffon cake ? I tried before 160 C , 170 C ,they all failed and sank ! I need to use 190 C for my "Elba" brand oven.

Low Sugar Pandan Chiffon Cake ( 22 cm pandan chiffon cake mould)
(Recipe source : adapted from Nasi Lemak Lover , Sonia , but I increased 1 egg and I cut the sugar content to half of amount. Her total sugar used is 90g )

Ingredients :
Egg yolk mixture :
(A) 6 egg yolks ( from a 30 g egg) + 15 g sugar ( speed 3 beat 5 mins until creamy)
(B) 70 ml concentrate pandan juice ( from : 10 piece of pandan leaves + 150 ml water)
and ,  40ml or 50 ml corn oil
(C ) 100 g all purpose flour + 1 tsp baking powder .

(D) Egg white mixture :
6 egg white
30 g castor sugar
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
20 g corn flour (about 1 tbsp ) -  Only add this after the beating of egg white until stiff )

Temperature : 190 C
Time : 1 hour

Method and procedure:
1. Beat egg yolks mixture ( A ), mixer speed 3 until creamy. Leave aside.

2.  Prepare egg white mixture ( D) :
Beat only egg white for 2 mins ( speed 3) , + cream of tartar + sugar  until stiff , beat 3 mins + corn flour ,mix well 1 min.
3. Switch on the oven. Temperature :190 C
4.  Egg yolk mixture ( 1 of A ) + pandan juice + corn oil , mix well with a metal spoon.
5. Sieve (C :100 g flour + 1 tsp baking powder ) into ( 4 ) ,of  the egg yolk mixture above.
6. Egg white mixture( 2)  + egg yolk mixture ( 5) - mix both mixture lightly and evenly.
7. Pour into the chiffon cake mould.
8. Bake with lower grill  at 190 C , 50 mins until the cake rises . Then, with lower and upper grill bake for 10 or 15 mins, until golden in colour.
9. Upside down the mould after taking out the chiffon cake from the oven. Let cool for 1 hour before unmould the chiffon cake.

中文版  :低糖班兰雪纺蛋糕

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Omelette with Green Capsicum , Cheese and Onion

I simply cooked whatever I could get from the fridge - the green capsicum and cheese slices.
How about added in some onion too ? 
Tried to prepare a one-dish quick dinner .
Suddenly, my sister called up and said that she would give me some wanton mee too. 

Dinner Menu:
1. Omelette With Green Capsicum, cheese slice and chopped onion.
2. 1/2 Bowl of Rice.
3. A Plate of Wanton Noodle - minced pork and mustard green ( cai xin )
4. A Bowl of Bubur Cacar ( No photo was taken while I was very busy at that moment)

An insects on the wall that night.

But , some bubur cacar 's photo were take on the previous day.

Sunday 6 May 2012

It Is Not A Perfect Coffee Marble Cheesecake :(

This coffee marble cheesecake is not the perfect one as I have added too much flour ( 2 tbsp corn flour + 2 tbsp all purpose flour ) in 500 g of cream cheese and 3 eggs.
So , it is too hard after keeping in the fridge the next day.
And , I made the pastry base instead of using crushed digestive biscuits.
I will  make a " better" one later and will share the recipe with you "if " it is successful :)

Friday 4 May 2012

Breakfast : Biscuits With Strawberry Cream Filling

It seemed something special for me this morning.
I seldom take biscuits for breakfast.
But there would be some exception sometimes.

Simple Breakfast Menu:
 2 Pieces of Biscuits with Strawberry Cream Filling ( Hellema)
A Mug of Black Coffee Without Sugar.

Prop : Plants from my backyard.