Wednesday 9 May 2012

Omelette with Green Capsicum , Cheese and Onion

I simply cooked whatever I could get from the fridge - the green capsicum and cheese slices.
How about added in some onion too ? 
Tried to prepare a one-dish quick dinner .
Suddenly, my sister called up and said that she would give me some wanton mee too. 

Dinner Menu:
1. Omelette With Green Capsicum, cheese slice and chopped onion.
2. 1/2 Bowl of Rice.
3. A Plate of Wanton Noodle - minced pork and mustard green ( cai xin )
4. A Bowl of Bubur Cacar ( No photo was taken while I was very busy at that moment)

An insects on the wall that night.

But , some bubur cacar 's photo were take on the previous day.