Sunday 11 November 2012

2 Types of Curries in a Meal

3-Meals of the Day:
1. Breakfast : Instant noodle with minced meat and tofu.
2. Lunch : Minced with fried with ( frozen) mixed vegetable.

3. Dinner Menu
1. Vegetarian Curry . The ingredients still  Carrot , potato wedge , brinjal and tomato. 
2. Stir fried four-angled beans.
3. My neighbour gave me another bowl of pig skin curry with long beans , tofu bok  and brinjal. 
The next thing I did was to mixed both curries together since there were 2 types of curries in a meal !

Quick and Simple Vegetarian Curry: ( For 1 person )
(4 " length )Slices of carrots  ( so that it will turn soft quickly)
Half of a potato
(10" length) brinjal
2 tomatoes
2 chilli padi

Prepare curry paste without using a blender:( Chop an onion,  1/2 garlic, 1/2 " turmeric until very tiny )

Cooking Method :
1. Fried onion, garlic and turmeric until fragrant.
2. + potato + carrot + tomato  + brinjal.
3. + 1 tablespoon of curry powder + salt + pepper.
4. + 3/4 cup of water to simmer until all vegetable become soft.

Pig skin curry