Friday 27 January 2012

Desserts In The Buffet

IMG_1761 My plate of buffet dinner

The dessert corner of a buffet is the most attractive part in the menu to me.
But I only had some after having 2 plates of dishes this time and would take the opportunity to take photos for friends in the gathering.

Dessert Menu: 
1.  Swiss Rolls - Orange and Pandan Flavour
2. Slices of Sponge Cakes
3. Fruit Platter - Papaya , starfruit and watermelon.
4. Agar-agar (jelly)
5. Red Bean Soup
6. Mango Pudding 

IMG_1766 My plate of buffet dinner

IMG_1768 Dessert : Swiss roll , mango pudding , papaya

Dessert corner
IMG_1733 Dessert corner, 甜品角落

Swiss Rolls

IMG_1736  Swiss rolls,瑞士卷

Sponge Cakes

IMG_1738 sponge cake

Fruit Platter - Papaya , starfruit , watermelon.
IMG_1740 fruit platter , 水果拼盘

Agar- agar
IMG_1741 agar -agar, 燕菜

Red Bean Soup

IMG_1743 Red bean soup , 红豆汤

Mango Pudding
IMG_1744 Mango pudding ,芒果布丁