Monday 13 February 2012

Steamed Chicken with Salted Fish and Lap Cheong/ Chinese Sausage

This Steamed Chicken with Salted Fish and Lap Cheong / Chinese Sausage  (腊肠咸鱼蒸鸡) is the all time favourite dish on the dining table.
I shot this at Claire's kitchen before going out for the buffet dinner.
She told me that I bought her the cookbook as a present when she got married few years ago. Did I ? ( I 've forgotten about it  ! )

Claire's Dinner Menu:
1. Steamed Chicken with Salted Fish and Lap Cheong :
Seasoning : dark soy sauce, sugar , shao xing wine ( 绍兴酒), julienne ginger.
Garnished : spring onion and red chilli.

2. Stir Fried Broccoli and Cauliflower - I had left before the dish was done. So , I only got to shoot the raw one :) ! 

IMG_1698 咸鱼腊肠蒸鸡 ,Steamed chicken with salted fish and lap cheong-after steaming

IMG_1700 Broccoli and cauliflower