Saturday 1 December 2012

Breakfast with Children

Sometimes when I have breakfast with friends, they will bring their children too.
Children usually like noodles.
Most of the time I will stick to my curry noodle.

Breakfast Menu :
1. Jawa Mee ( For child) -with half a hard boiled egg , a piece of prawn and crackers.  It looks rather a bit simple to be Jawa Mee. I actually never try this before although the stall is around my neigbourhood.
2. Curry Noodle - My type of breakfast with roast pork ( siu yoke 烧肉)and cockles ( 鲜蚶) , some long beans , broccoli , mint leaves and even bitter gourd . But I found that bitter gourd is not really good to go with curry !
3. Wanton Mee ( For child) - with char siew , furnished with minced meat and spring onion.