Thursday 27 December 2012

Mango Swiss Roll

My neigbhour's has given me some mangoes from her mango tree.
I could make a mango Swiss roll so that I could share with her.
The fresh mango really enhanced the taste of the Swiss roll.

Mango Swiss Roll: ( 14 X 10 X1 ) " tray 

A.Egg yolk batter :
3 egg yolks
45 g   cake flour
30 ml corn oil 
30 ml water

B.Egg white foam
3 egg white
40 g sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar 
1 tbsp (20 g) corn flour

C. Cut mango into small cubes.

D. Prepare whipping cream :
100 ml whipping cream + 1 tsp vanilla essence ( optional )

1. Beat egg yolks with mixer for 5 mins. , speed 3.( highest)
2. Beat egg white for 1 mins + castor sugar +cream of tartar, beat 1 min  + corn flour , beat 1 min , speed 3.
3. Measure water + corn oil + mango flavour essence
4. + sieve cake flour into beaten egg yolk (1). ( in 3 times )
5. + liquid of (3) into (4) egg yolk batter.
6.  Combine ( 5) and  egg white foam ( 2) with spoon or spatula , stir evenly.
7. Pour the mixture into a greased paper baking tray.

Of Baking ( Preheat Oven ) :
Oven Temperature : 180 degree C ( lowest rack , my oven Faber brand)
Timing : 15 mins. ( lower and upper heat) , then turn to upper heat 10 mins to brown the top of the sponge.