Sunday 6 January 2013

Lemongrass and Tomato Chicken

What else that I could cook with the chicken I have ?
The idea of cooking Lemongrass and Tomato chicken was because I had these 3 ingredients in my fridge.
I also need something with chilli.
So , I combined those 4 ingredients and cooked with them in tomato sauce.

Lunch Menu:
1. Lemongrass and Tomato Chicken
2. Mustard Green without salt.
3. Dessert :  Cassava sweet soup which was given by my neighbour.

Lemongrass and Tomato Chicken : ( For 1 person)
Chicken few pieces

1 1/2 half of tomatoes - wedges
1 onion -  wedges
1 stalk of lemongrass - shredded
2 small chilli ( chilli padi)
1/2 tbsp chopped garlic

tomato ketchup 1 tbsp
fish sauce 1 tsp
sugar 1/4 tsp 

2 tbsp oil
150 ml water

1. Stir- fried onion until fragrant with 2 tbsp oil + chopped garlic .
2. + chicken + lemongrass + tomato + small chilli.
3. Tomato ketchup + fish sauce + sugar  + water . Simmer until the chicken soft.