Tuesday 31 January 2012

Breakfast : Wanton Noodle

IMG_1969 早餐 :云吞面 + 咖啡 ; Breakfast : wanton noodle + coffee

It was a heavy breakfast .
The wanton noodle was given by my neighbour Fang- J.
And you will never get such a big portion of wanton noodle from the hawker or from the restaurant !

Breakfast Menu :
1. A bowl of wanton noodle with various ingredients - Chinese mushroom, wantons, braised chicken feet and mustard green
2. A mug of sugarless black coffee

IMG_1971 冬菇,Chinese mushroom

IMG_1972 云吞,wanton

IMG_1973 卤鸡脚,Braised chicken feet

Monday 30 January 2012

Fei Bo Snow Beer Cafe

IMG_1957 Snow beer

Beside cookies, great dishes and soft drinks, beer also become a popular drinks during the festive season.
Friends back from Kuala Lumpur invited us to have a drink at the "Fei Bo Snow Beer Cafe" (肥波雪花啤酒 )in the night. They have Facebook link here . 
I met them after my gathering ( on the second day of Chinese New Year).

It is called "Snow Beer" because the beer will be served in the frost beer mugs and creates some snowflakes effect for beer drinkers. 
"Fei Bo " serves some Chinese cuisine and snacks too.

Menu :
1. Beers 
2. Gold-coins Chocolate which come together with beer that you order.

IMG_1939 Gold coins -  They are actually chocolate ! 金币- 它们其实是巧克力 !

IMG_1945 Beer  - Have a toast for Chinese New Year 2012 ! gan bei  , 干杯 !

IMG_1959 Cafe Fei Bo snow beer , 肥波雪花啤酒

Fei Bo Snow Beer Cafe
Add:  8 , Jalan Medan Ipoh 3,
Bandar Baru Medan Ipoh
31400 , Ipoh
Businse Hour : 6pm -2am ( everyday )

Email : snowbeercafe@yahoo.com
Phone : 014- 3033600 or 05-  545 4430

Saturday 28 January 2012

Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken and It's Ingredients Needed

IMG_1616  Ingredients for cooking Vietnamese Lemongrass chicken

This is the Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken (Ga Xao Sa ) ingredients that I prepared for my reunion dinner 2012.
There are many different version of the dish.
Some don't add in onion.
Some have no curry powder.
But I have decided to learn from  Rasamalaysia's Version.

IMG_1620 Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken, 越式香茅鸡

Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken:
Ingredients of Vietnamese lemongrass paste:
6 stalks of lemongrass ( even use the upper part of lemongrass to make thicker paste as its upper part still has the aroma of lemongrass)
1 clove of garlic
4 medium size onions
20-25 pieces dried chilli
50 ml water

1 tbsp curry powder( * not too much of curry powder or it will become chicken curry paste)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp fish sauce
* no salt is needed as fish sauce is salty enough
2 extra stalks of lemongrass cut into the length of 4 cm.

1. Marinate chicken with fish sauce + 1 tbsp sugar - 2 hours before cooking.
2. Grind all the ingredients. Fried the ingredients until fragrant.
3. + 1 tbsp curry powder.
4. Fried chicken +  5 tbsp of Vietnamese lemongrass paste + 2 extra lemongrass ( 4 cm )
5. + 50 ml water to simmer until the chicken is tender for about 15 mins.
6. Garnish the lemongrass chicken with basil while serving.

IMG_1624 Vietnamese Lemongrass chicken  for reunion dinner 2012, 越式香茅鸡-团圆饭

Friday 27 January 2012

Desserts In The Buffet

IMG_1761 My plate of buffet dinner

The dessert corner of a buffet is the most attractive part in the menu to me.
But I only had some after having 2 plates of dishes this time and would take the opportunity to take photos for friends in the gathering.

Dessert Menu: 
1.  Swiss Rolls - Orange and Pandan Flavour
2. Slices of Sponge Cakes
3. Fruit Platter - Papaya , starfruit and watermelon.
4. Agar-agar (jelly)
5. Red Bean Soup
6. Mango Pudding 

IMG_1766 My plate of buffet dinner

IMG_1768 Dessert : Swiss roll , mango pudding , papaya

Dessert corner
IMG_1733 Dessert corner, 甜品角落

Swiss Rolls

IMG_1736  Swiss rolls,瑞士卷

Sponge Cakes

IMG_1738 sponge cake

Fruit Platter - Papaya , starfruit , watermelon.
IMG_1740 fruit platter , 水果拼盘

Agar- agar
IMG_1741 agar -agar, 燕菜

Red Bean Soup

IMG_1743 Red bean soup , 红豆汤

Mango Pudding
IMG_1744 Mango pudding ,芒果布丁

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Buffet Dinner At Ipoh City and Country Club

There were about 50 of us , an ex-classmates' gathering at Ipoh City and Country Club.
We then have got the chance to meet those long lost friends. Some of them even from the primary school too.
We were at the Banquet Room by ourselves.
Time : 7.30pm
RM50 per pax.

Buffet Menu :
1. Salads Corner -  Potatoes with mayonnaise sauce, salads,beansprout, long beans, deep fried eggs ,and deep fried potato wedges - you can eat this with rojak sauce.
2. Fried Rice - garnished with deep fried onions.
3. Hokkien style Fried Noodle (chow mien) - fish cake. 
4. Chicken curry - for those who didn't take mutton curry.
5. Mutton Curry - I liked the most.
6. Deep Fried Potato Wedges - a lot of potatoes were appeared in the menu !

IMG_1729 salad corner

6. Fish Fillet.
7. Gong Pao Squid ( sotong,宫保苏东)- Those squids were not fresh.
8. Spaghetti Bolognese Sauce -but with minced chicken 
9. Mustard Green with Oyster Sauce - (蚝油菜心),the only dish that has no left over.
10. Dessert - with Swiss rolls , sponge cakes, agar-agar, mango pudding and red bean soup. 

Potato salad with mayonnaise sauce and garnished with  green and red capsicums.
IMG_1727 Potato salad

IMG_1726 salad, Buffet dinner at Ipoh City and Country Club .
IMG_1725 taugeh,bean sproutIMG_1721 Long beansIMG_1724 Deep fried eggsIMG_1720

IMG_1723 Fried potato wedges

IMG_1706 Nasi Goreng,fried rice , 炒饭IMG_1707 fried noodle , 炒面,chow mien
IMG_1709 chicken curry , 咖哩鸡

IMG_1710 mutton curry ,咖哩羊肉

IMG_1713 Deep fried fish filletIMG_1711 Fried potato wedges
IMG_1714 gong bo sotong , 宫保苏东

IMG_1716 spaghetti Bolognese,意大利面

IMG_1718 蚝油菜心,mustard green in oyster sauce

ICCC Berhad
283,Jalan Raja Permaisuri Bainun
30250 Ipoh
Tel : 05- 242 2233 , 241 6188
Fax : 05- 241 7012

Monday 23 January 2012

Reunion Dinner 2012

IMG_1624 Vietnamese Lemongrass chicken  for reunion dinner 2012, 越式香茅鸡-团圆饭

I was the chef of the reunion dinner 2012.
But,but I usually cook simple meals for myself .
And now, I  needed to cook for 4. It would be too complicated for me . Could I make it ?
I even could't figure out how much food should I prepare for 4 ? 
Therefore, there was some food leftover after dinner.

IMG_1619 Pickled Cucumber  - reunion dinner 2012, 凉拌青瓜 -团圆饭2012
Reunion Dinner Menu 2012 团圆饭:
1. Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken 越式香茅鸡
2. Pickled Cucumber 凉拌青瓜
3. Sweet and Sour Fish 糖醋鱼 - tomato sauce, sugar, vinegar, water and shredded onion. 
4. Braised Pork Trotters + 4 eggs 卤猪脚(前腿)-I cooked two trotters
5. Chinese Cabbage Soup 黄芽白汤
6. Fried Prawn with garlic and ginger 姜蒜煎虾碌
7. Coffee Walnut Cake + Mixed Fruit 咖啡核桃杂果蛋糕- I made 2 big loaves and 2 small loaves ( for sister and neigbour too)
8. Vietnamese Coffee 越式咖啡and Champagne Rose Tea 红茶.

IMG_1625 sweet and sour fish for reunion dinner 2012 , 糖醋鱼,2012团圆饭

IMG_1633 Braised pork trotter and eggs for reunion dinner 2012 , 团圆饭之卤猪脚和卤蛋-

IMG_1636 Chinese Cabbage soup for reunion dinner 2012 - 团圆饭之黄芽白汤

IMG_1635 2011团圆饭之干煎姜蒜吓碌, Fried prawns with ginger and garlic - reunion dinner 2012

(This is the big loaf)
IMG_1641 Coffee walnut and mixed fruit cake + a mug of black coffee

Happy New Year !

IMG_1638 咖啡胡桃+ 杂果蛋糕,Coffee walnut + mixed fruit cake - self creation.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Vietnamese Cuisine In Ipoh

IMG_1261  Vietnamese salad with ripped chicken , 越南沙律 + 鸡丝

I have never been to Vietnam.
So, I don't know what the authentic Vietnamese cuisine taste like.
The Vietnamese food here in Ipoh were crowned with "Vietnamese " ( 越式 ) for each of the dishes.

Vietnamese Dinner Menu For 4 :
1. Vietnamese Salad - with some shredded chicken ( 鸡肉丝)
2. Beef Teriyaki.
3. Vietnamese Platter Combination (拼盘)- There are spring rolls, pork chop slices , chicken chop slices, fish fillet and some noodles too.
4. Vietnamese Tomato Soup Noodle.
5. Vietnamese lemongrass chicken Chop Rice - But my taste bud told me that there was more curry spices (coriander powder) than lemongrass. 
(It tasted like a Malay style fried chicken).
6. Vietnamese Special Beef Noodle Soup - But they don't name it as "Phở" here.
7. 3 cups of Jasmine Tea. ( I only drink water).

Beef Teriyaki - RM8.90
IMG_1266 Vietnamese Beef teriyaki ,牛肉串烧

Vietnamese Platter Combination - RM24.90 ( small)
IMG_1263 Vietnamese Combination ( small)

My portion of DIY spring roll wrapped with rice sheet - Before wrapping.
IMG_1271 DIY spring roll in the restaurant

Spring roll which is in the Platter Combination.
IMG_1270 A segment of spring roll

Vietnamese Tomato Soup Noodle -RM8.90
IMG_1275  Vietnamese tomato soup noodle,越式番茄汤粉

Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken -RM9.90
IMG_1272 BBQ Vietnamese lemongrass chicken

Beef noodle -with some reflection of lighting !

IMG_1282 Phở  - Vietnamese soup noodle ,越式牛肉汤面

IMG_1258 Jasmine Tea is in there

Some photos from the restaurant.
IMG_1297 The corner of a restaurant

IMG_1302 Lighting design

IMG_1301 Lighting design

IMG_1300 Lighting design

Vnam Kitchen Restaurant 越南小厨:
32, Jalan Seenivasagam
Tel: 05- 254 2633