Thursday 27 December 2012

Mango Swiss Roll

My neigbhour's has given me some mangoes from her mango tree.
I could make a mango Swiss roll so that I could share with her.
The fresh mango really enhanced the taste of the Swiss roll.

Mango Swiss Roll: ( 14 X 10 X1 ) " tray 

A.Egg yolk batter :
3 egg yolks
45 g   cake flour
30 ml corn oil 
30 ml water

B.Egg white foam
3 egg white
40 g sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar 
1 tbsp (20 g) corn flour

C. Cut mango into small cubes.

D. Prepare whipping cream :
100 ml whipping cream + 1 tsp vanilla essence ( optional )

1. Beat egg yolks with mixer for 5 mins. , speed 3.( highest)
2. Beat egg white for 1 mins + castor sugar +cream of tartar, beat 1 min  + corn flour , beat 1 min , speed 3.
3. Measure water + corn oil + mango flavour essence
4. + sieve cake flour into beaten egg yolk (1). ( in 3 times )
5. + liquid of (3) into (4) egg yolk batter.
6.  Combine ( 5) and  egg white foam ( 2) with spoon or spatula , stir evenly.
7. Pour the mixture into a greased paper baking tray.

Of Baking ( Preheat Oven ) :
Oven Temperature : 180 degree C ( lowest rack , my oven Faber brand)
Timing : 15 mins. ( lower and upper heat) , then turn to upper heat 10 mins to brown the top of the sponge.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Breakfast with Children

Sometimes when I have breakfast with friends, they will bring their children too.
Children usually like noodles.
Most of the time I will stick to my curry noodle.

Breakfast Menu :
1. Jawa Mee ( For child) -with half a hard boiled egg , a piece of prawn and crackers.  It looks rather a bit simple to be Jawa Mee. I actually never try this before although the stall is around my neigbourhood.
2. Curry Noodle - My type of breakfast with roast pork ( siu yoke 烧肉)and cockles ( 鲜蚶) , some long beans , broccoli , mint leaves and even bitter gourd . But I found that bitter gourd is not really good to go with curry !
3. Wanton Mee ( For child) - with char siew , furnished with minced meat and spring onion.

Monday 19 November 2012

Quick Lunch - Tomato and Onion Omelette

I  always like to cook easy and quick dish which I can prepare my meal within half an hour time.
Eggs are always in stock in the fridge. This make life easier for me.

Lunch Menu :
1. Pork Curry 
2. Fried Chinese Cabbage
3. Tomato Omelette 

Tomato and Onion Omelette: ( For One person)
2 tomatoes, chopped
1/2 of onion , chopped
1 beat egg ( about 70g)
some garlic
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp cooking oil

1. Heat oil + onion . Fried the onion until fragrant ( but not brown) + garlic.
2. + tomatoes .
3. + beaten egg
4.  Stir fry tomatoes and omelette until the egg

Friday 16 November 2012

Parmesan Cheese Cookies

I have got some grated parmesan cheese and wished to make some parmesan cheese cookies.
  The ratio of flour and butter I use is 2 X ( flour ): 1 X ( cold butter ). 
This is the first time I made it and those cookies turns out well.
The cookies was full of cheese aroma after baking.

Parmesan Cheese Cookies: ( To make about 35 to 40 cookies)
Ingredients :
200 g flour
100 g butter
60 g icing sugar
20 g ( 1 tbsp) milk powder
50 g grated parmesan cheese

1 egg ( separated , 30ml beaten egg white , and egg yolk + 20 ml water for egg wash)
30 ml cold water

Method :
1. Using a pastry cutter cut in the butter and flour until it resemble bread crumb.
2. Add in icing sugar , milk powder and parmesan cheese.  Stir well.
3. Pour in cold water and beaten egg white . Make the mixture into a dough.
4. Flatten the dough as thick as 1 cm and cut it with cookie mold.
5. Brush all cookies with egg wash before baking.
5. Oven temperature : 220 C.
6. Baking time : 45 mins or until golden in colour.

Sunday 11 November 2012

2 Types of Curries in a Meal

3-Meals of the Day:
1. Breakfast : Instant noodle with minced meat and tofu.
2. Lunch : Minced with fried with ( frozen) mixed vegetable.

3. Dinner Menu
1. Vegetarian Curry . The ingredients still  Carrot , potato wedge , brinjal and tomato. 
2. Stir fried four-angled beans.
3. My neighbour gave me another bowl of pig skin curry with long beans , tofu bok  and brinjal. 
The next thing I did was to mixed both curries together since there were 2 types of curries in a meal !

Quick and Simple Vegetarian Curry: ( For 1 person )
(4 " length )Slices of carrots  ( so that it will turn soft quickly)
Half of a potato
(10" length) brinjal
2 tomatoes
2 chilli padi

Prepare curry paste without using a blender:( Chop an onion,  1/2 garlic, 1/2 " turmeric until very tiny )

Cooking Method :
1. Fried onion, garlic and turmeric until fragrant.
2. + potato + carrot + tomato  + brinjal.
3. + 1 tablespoon of curry powder + salt + pepper.
4. + 3/4 cup of water to simmer until all vegetable become soft.

Pig skin curry 

Friday 2 November 2012

Juicy Watermelon

Dessert after Lunch  :
The watermelon was given by my neighbour, Fang-J .
It was juicy and sweet.
I had half a cup of coffee at the same time.

Monday 29 October 2012

A Cheap Indian Meal

This was the cheapest Indian Meal that I ever had near my neighbourhood, Jalan Bercham ( 17 路, 海明茶室)
That was only RM3.50 ! It was a steal !

Lunch Menu:
1. Indian Meals - Chicken curry, long beans , spicy brinjal, pickled cucumber and a piece of cracker.

2. A piece of Yong Tau Foo ( Fried Tofu stuffed with minced meat)

Thursday 11 October 2012

Low Sugar Lemon Mixed Nut Cakes

I have some mixed nuts and lemons with me .
So, I decided to make 2 loaves of  Lemon Mixed Nut Cake, for the first time.
These cakes were full of lemons aroma and yet the crunchiness of nuts.

( Low Sugar ) Lemon Mixed Nut Cakes :

300 g butter / margarine.
120 g castor sugar ( because those golden raisins are quite sweet , so less sugar was added )
300 g all purpose flour  ( + 2 tsp baking powder , sieve )
100 g golden raisin ( cut into smaller piece )
100 g chopped mixed nuts ( roasted or fried with non-stick pan) + 1/4 tsp salt
6 eggs ( about 60 g each)
30ml lemon juice  ( 2 tbsp )
2 tbsp lemon zest

Method :
1. Beat butter + castor sugar until fluffy and pale ( with electric mixer ,speed 3 for 10 mins)
2. + egg one at a time with electric mixer.
3. Sieve in flour and baking powder ( mixed with spoon).
4. + lemon juice + lemon zest.
5. + golden raisin and mixed nuts.

Oven temperature : 180 C ( Lower heat for 20 mins) then turn to lower and upper heat for another 10 mins.

....................The next morning..............
My Breakfast Menu:
2 pieces of Lemon Mixed Nut Cakes 
A mug of black coffee without sugar.

Monday 8 October 2012

Coffee Swiss Roll with cream cheese filling

This is my second attempt to make Coffee Swiss Roll with cream cheese filling.
The first cream cheese mixture was :  250g cream cheese ,50 g butter , 30 g sugar ,1 tbsp lemon juice and 1/2 of lemon zest. 
But I found that lemon cheese cream didn't go well with coffee flavour. And it is a bit hard without some whipping cream.
 So , I sat there and thought of a better improvement on the texture of cream cheese combination to go along with my coffee Swiss roll.

Coffee Swiss Roll with cream cheese filling: ( Swiss Roll pan 10 " X 14"X 1" )

Swiss roll sponge ( separated egg method will produce a finer texture). Recipe

Egg yolk batter:
4 egg yolks 
50 g superfine flour ( You can use low protein flour for finer texture too)
1 tsp cocoa powder ( too much cocoa powder will become chocolate Swiss Roll) 
40 ml hot water + 2 tsp instant coffee. Let cool.
30 ml corn oil

Egg white foam:
4 egg white
50 g sugar ( 60 g or 70 g, if you like it sweet )
1/8 tsp cream of tartar 

 Click here for Method: 

Cream Cheese filling: (I like the texture of this cream cheese especially under room temperature )
200 g cream cheese ( room temperature)
50 g butter ( room temperature)
70 ml whipping cream ( whip them separately for about 3 mins before combining with the cream cheese and butter mixture)
50 g castor sugar ( I use sweeten whipping cream , so  I didn't add sugar into this filling)

1. Beat cream cheese and butter for 5 mins , speed 3 ( I use Philips mixer).
2. Beat whipping cream.
3. Beat cream cheese +butter + whipping cream until smooth .

Thursday 20 September 2012

Two -seed Crackers ( No sugar )

These two-seed crackers are adapted from " Essential Baking"( Murdock Books ).
Those two seeds are poppy seeds and sesame seeds.

 Since I rolled the crackers too thick (They actually only needs to 2mm (1/6 inch )and I forgot to prick the crackers before baking.  So , they didn't look like crackers at all and a bit hard after baking for 40 mins.( The thickness that I made caused these crackers took longer time to bake)
The crackers taste good but a bit hard after baking. I will try to make it again and roll out to 2mm and prick them with fork in order to get better result.

Two- seed Crackers ( No sugar ):
250 g all purpose flour
1tsp baking powder
2 tbsp poppy seeds
2 tbsp sesame seeds
60 g cold butter
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
125ml chilled water

1. Preheat oven to 180 C. Line baking trays with  greased baking paper.
2. Sift flour + baking powder + salt in a bowl.
3. Add  two seeds + pepper.
4. Rub the cold butter into the flour ( using fingertips)  -  I used pastry cutter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
5. Make a well in the centre + chilled water. Let the mixture comes together in soft bread. Gather together into a rough ball. * Do not knead it at any stage.
6. Put the dough between 2 sheets of baking paper. Roll out to 2mm ( 1/6 inch).
7. Using a 6 mm ( 2 1/2 inch) round cutter . Prick all over with a fork and transfer to the baking tray.
8.Baking time : 20-25 mins . Allow to cool on a wire rack.

Friday 14 September 2012

Noodles - Chinese Style

I would rather choose to take noodle if I were to go out for lunch.
C and I were having lunch in this noodle restaurant near by the neighbourhood.
Although the taste of the noodle is good , those sauce was a bit cold for the noodles.
Perhaps they just didn't warm up the sauce before serving it to us.

Lunch Menu :
1. Braised Chicken Feet Noodle with Chinese Mushroom ( 凤爪冬菇面 )- for me.
2. Braised Pork Rib Noodles - for my friend.

Monday 3 September 2012

Mooncakes Again

These mooncakes are the presents from the boss of a bakery shop.
They make mooncakes too for the festive season.

The filling is yam and lotus paste with egg yolk ( 莲蓉lian rong )

 Various shapes of biscuits (Minnie  and fish )for the mid-autumn festival, included two mini lotus paste mooncakes.

Agar- agar mooncakes

Monday 27 August 2012

Lunch : Minced Chicken Meat Pasta and Yong Tau Foo

22 August 2012
I have been making Swiss rolls since I know how to make it. 
This chocolate Swiss roll with walnut and coffee cream was specially made for myself . But I still kept some for my brother who like Swiss roll very much.

23 August 2012
The pasta with minced chicken spaghetti was brought by my sister.
The Ingredients of Minced Chicken Meat Sauce - tomatoes , mushroom, onion, carrot ,minced chicken meat ( without celery) and spaghetti sauce. 
It was kept in a container and it was still warm. What I what needed to do was to add in some green chilli.

24 August 2012 
These "yong tau foo " were given by my neighbour Yu-J . 
Lunch Menu :
1. Yong Tau Foo Stuffed Minced Pork - Fried Tofu, Bitter Gourd, Brinjal and Lady Fingers. 
2. Half A Bowl Of Rice.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Breakfast - Chocolate Swiss Roll and Coffee

Breakfast Menu :
1. Chocolate Swiss Roll with Vanilla Cream
2. Coffee